Thursday 30 August 2007

A Birthday To Remember

Well time for some scary news........In less than two weeks time I'll be 25!

Yup 25! I must confess I can't quite believe it myself, to have reached the first quarter of the hope-to-reach century!

Given my family history, I haven't really thought much about growing old, the mere fact scares the living daylights out of me! I prefer to focus on the here and now, I'll worry about the future when I have to!!!!

Still, 25! a nice easy to remember number and in fact I'm stretching this one as far as I can, although my birthday isn't until the Saturday, I'm starting it from payday, the 13th September and working it till the 23rd! in fact it works like this:

Payday: Thursday 13th September
Day off: Friday 14th September
Birthday: Saturday 15th September
Party!: Sunday 16th September
Holiday: Monday 17th September

Cool eh? looking forward to it!


bigbikerbob said...

Aidens off to Lincoln town,
With not a tear not a frown,
He wont be back for a week or more,
Getting away from sea and shore,
Gonna be a townie so it seems,
Apparently that's what he dreams,
He's away from the counter that he adores,
Away from the people and co-op floors,
Away from the problems and the tills,
Finding a new way to get his thrills.

Anonymous said...

aiden it was great seeing you, but its even greater not seeing you lmao
nice blog
looking forward to next time already
hugs and stuff ;)